Transportation Services

Our Mission
Our vision is to create a seamless user experience where we provide KP Members convenient and easy access to timely Transportation Services.
Services Available
We cover services of a licensed ambulance at no charge anywhere in the world without prior authorization (including transportation through the 911 emergency response system where available) in accordance with your insurance coverage if one of the following is true:
- Your medical condition was an emergency medical condition, which required ambulance services
- The doctor who is treating you finds that you must be moved to another facility because your emergency medical condition is not stabilized, and you cannot get the care you need at the treating facility
If you get a bill or had to pay for 911 emergency transport services you must file a claim with KP for reimbursement consideration.
We cover non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) inside the Kaiser Permanente service area, when you cannot get to your medical appointment by car, bus, train, or taxi, due to your medical or physical condition. For many of our Members non-emergency medical transportation is only covered benefit via an ambulance mode of service.
If you have Medi-Cal benefits assigned to KP in addition to covered ambulance service, you are also eligible to receive Gurney Van and or Wheelchair Van services.
- A wheelchair van or gurney van if a plan doctor finds that transport by car, taxi, or bus (or other public or private transport) might harm your health. These services are covered only when they are needed to transport you to or from covered services.
Modes of Transportation

Non-medical transportation
Medicaid assigned recipients who have assigned their plans to KP are eligible to receive covered curb-to-curb Non-Medical Transportation (NMT) and may call the number below.

Non-emergency medical transportation
Medicaid assigned recipients who have assigned their plans to KP are eligible to receive covered Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) and may call the number below.

For further information, KP members2 should call the Member Service Contact Center number listed below to learn your benefit eligibility for transportation.
2 Medicaid beneficiaries not assigned to Kaiser Permanente should call their plan’s respective Helpline and/or county Medi-Cal office for eligibility guidance.