Hospice is care provided to a person who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Hospice care provides you with physical, emotional and spiritual comfort, and helps relieve symptoms such as pain and nausea. Hospice also provides support services to your family and caregivers.

You are eligible for Hospice if you have been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and your physician believes you are in the last stages of life, generally measured in weeks or months rather than years.
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What will Hospice provide?
Family, friends or hired caregivers take care of you during your final months, weeks and days of life. Kaiser Permanente's Hospice care team will support your medical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. Read More >

What are the levels of Hospice care?
There are four levels or types of Hospice care, depending on a patient's or caregiver's situation. A Hospice patient may move from one level to another as determined by the Hospice doctor.
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Managing Care & Symptoms
Kaiser Permanente offers our patients and their families help, comfort, and peace in the last stage of life.
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Bereavement Support
The death of a loved one impacts your life in many ways. Kaiser Permanente is here to support you through our bereavement program which is part of the Hospice care team.
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