What are the levels of Hospice care?
There are four levels or types of hospice care, depending on a patient’s or caregiver’s situation. A Hospice patient may move from one level to another as determined by the Hospice doctor:
1. Routine at-home care
Provided for the patient at home or other place of residence, this is the usual care that a patient will receive most of the time. In certain circumstances, your Hospice doctor may refer you to specialty care, such as respite care, inpatient hospital care or continuous home care. You can read descriptions of these below.
Learn more about the Hospice care team
2. Respite Care
Occasional short-term inpatient care limited to no more than five consecutive days at a time. Provided to relieve family or other caregivers of their care-giving duties.
3. Inpatient hospital care
Care required at a level that can’t be provided at home may be covered for short lengths of time. This care is usually for periods of crisis, pain control and to stabilize acute or chronic symptoms.
4. Continuous home care
Care for a period of 8 to 24 hours during a brief period of crisis, as determined by the Hospice care team, which allows the patient to stay at home.